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A Few new events to talk about


The weather swing here in Norther Virginia is playing havoc with my walking (hot for a few days, then cooling down, then heating back up), but luckyly My week day job is on the 6th floor. So I am now turning into a stair climber and learning to avoid the elevators. I checked my Social Security site and found out I will max out when I turn 70. So in 4 1/2 years, I will break free from my daily efforts and begin to travel the states to see all those places where I either flew over or just stoped at their airport. I will begin to slowly build a list of cities I will visit and with luck will do interviews and book signings.

Okay, so some new events to talk about.

1) I have entered a number of Screen Writing compitions. No so much to win and become famous (which, by the way would be nice), but to receive feedback on the writing and hopefuly improve it so that I can win in the future. We all have to pay our dues!

2) As with my screen plays, I have just submitted my first draft of the the "Da Vinci Connections" for review. I have a multi-stage process where I (a) do a first draft, (b) make updates, (c) send it to my editor, (d) do final updates...then prepare it for release. This process takes months, but at least the first step is done.

3) I have linked up with (see the button on the front page of the website). For their May effort, I am offering up two signed screenplays as a gift. Best of luck.

4) Beyond the two book efforts (Trans-Link and Da Vinci Connections), I am also working on multiple screenplays (a) Warrior Gem (b) And The Angel Watched Over The Flock (c) For Love -- my latest start.

5) NOVA Film Festival posted my interview (see the link on the website front page). I was early for the Saturday award ceremony and became the first person intereviewed that night.

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All books, short stories and variations of books (audio, ebook, paperback and screenplays derived from the books and short stories) along with photos and other digital graphic images and blog generations on this site are property of the Author, Ronald Townsen.  All rights are reserved except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be used or copied except with written permission of the Author.

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