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Berlin Blog


Just arriving in Berlin but wanted to get a quick blog sent out for my fans.

Arrived in Berlin early in the morning having not slept on the 9hr I crashed for some sleep. Around 2PM, I needed to get a power supply for my laptop (you always forget something) and took a three mile walk to get to an electronic store.

The hotel is a bit unique in that it has a large 6 story fish tank in the center of the building which I am led to believe is connected to an adjoining aquatic museum.

I intend to head to the Brandenburg Gate (cold war gate between western and eastern Berlin).

My conference starts tomorrow and lasts for the week. In my upcoming book "Watcher in the Fall: Trans-Link" part of the story will be referencing Berlin, so I find this trip beneficial to my writing.

On the trip over, I talked with a Librarian who is into Historical Fiction. She is based in Maryland, just across D.C. from where I live. We talked about a kickoff book signing at the Library. If I can make it occur, I would hope to have in September. Those of you in the D.C. area can come over and buy a signed copy.

More later ... Happy reading!!!

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All books, short stories and variations of books (audio, ebook, paperback and screenplays derived from the books and short stories) along with photos and other digital graphic images and blog generations on this site are property of the Author, Ronald Townsen.  All rights are reserved except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be used or copied except with written permission of the Author.

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