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There is one thing missing in Writing

While writing has turned into a more than I had expected from the begining, I have found one thing is missing. When reading (or writing), I miss the text providing one key element of my

I have enjoyed music from as far back as I can remember. Music was always part of my study routine. Music was always around me. I started playing the Trumpet and enterd the band in Jr. High School. Music was a major part of my High School experence. Part of the reason I love movies is the music and how they blend it to the story.

I always wanted to direct a band or orchastra. The thought of standing in front of a large group of musicians and directing them in a synchrones effort to produce music is a dream. From great music of like the 5th, or Music of the Planets or the great waltzes. From the Sousa Marches to the music of Billy and the Hill Billy's, the Kingston Trio, Peter, Paul & Mary and too many more to mention.

When I was younger, I loved to go to movies, not just to enjoy the movie, but to enjoy the music; the wonderous sounds sweeping over me. Movies like Dr. Zavago, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World; The Great Race, Mission to Mars, Indiana Jones movies and many many more. They didn't just provide music to my eyes, but music to my soul. I cannot even imagin watching a movie without music.

Even now, I cannot sit at my desk at work without having music. When I write, music is in the background. I try to imagine the music along with my text, the soaring themes of triumph, the sad strains of failure, the sounds that make drama dramatic.

One of the reasons I enjoy Disney Parks has to do with how they integrate music into the experence. Music is everywhere, from ragtime to marching bands to the music integrated into the rides to the singing Barber Shop Quartets. Music makes the experence. Imagine how bland it would be without music.

The rest of my life will have music in it.

Not many will read this, but those that do, I wish you a universe of music.

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All books, short stories and variations of books (audio, ebook, paperback and screenplays derived from the books and short stories) along with photos and other digital graphic images and blog generations on this site are property of the Author, Ronald Townsen.  All rights are reserved except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be used or copied except with written permission of the Author.

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