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Watch in the Fall -- Characters Nicky Age 10 in Book 1 - Connections

Image of the Swiss Alps looking down ou the small village of Zermat

Since this is December, I want to start off by wishing you, your family and friends all safe and happy Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday Season. May you enjoy your time with family and friends and find joy and peace.

Nicky is like most characters in my book, a combination of people I know. He starts with a fine young man I have known most of his life, combined with background of friends of mine that live in Switzerland. While changes are made to fit his character into the needed mold, both have fine qualities:

1) Caring

2) Strong

3) Have suffered with a major seperation in their lives

4) Have a dog in their lives

5) Have a significant medical event in their lives that they must deal with

In writing Nicky, I needed to create an image of the hospital in Switzerland of which major events revolve around. On my last trip to Switzerland, I asked my friends to show me their l local hospital around the Chissio area. While not in Chissio, it is close by and provides the image that had in my mind.

Hospital for the people living around the Swiss-Italian Boarder of Chisso

It is this hospital that Nick is taken when his Watcher abilities are triggered. In the first book of the sereies, as the Security attempts to leave the hospital with Nicky's father, they are attacked by the Chinnese agents while Nicky and Valerie escape through the back of the hospital. The attack is derivied by agents in a building across the street.

Building directly accross the street from the Hosptal by Chissio

I was excited to find that while I had never had a chance to visit the hospital previously, the real live setup matched perfectly with story I had written (sometimes its better to be lucky).

Nicky's character evolves as he is adopted and begins living in the Virginia area. Over book 1 and 2, Nicky falls in love travels away from earth.

While the evolutions are needed as part of the SciFi tale, I hope you read the books and follow the growth and travel of this amazing young character. In my next book Trans-Link, Nicky's tale evolves and grows.

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All books, short stories and variations of books (audio, ebook, paperback and screenplays derived from the books and short stories) along with photos and other digital graphic images and blog generations on this site are property of the Author, Ronald Townsen.  All rights are reserved except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be used or copied except with written permission of the Author.

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