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How do I work full-time+ and write?

My life as a writer is only a small part of the time I have to spend in a day. At this time, I am 66.5 years old and dealing with paying off my kids student loans, helping my best friend make it through a time when she is suffering from a car accident and dealing with her young son that is type 1 diabetic. I am a type 2 diabetic, I give plattlets at Red Cross (something I wish more people could find time to do), and finally Chief Engineer for Military Systems and that is what currently pays my bills.

I am not laying these out for pity, but to show like everyone, life is full of challenges, pulling us in fifty different directions all at the same time. I am no differnt. One difference is that being isolated without a busy family life, I have time to focus when I can.

With all my many moving parts, I continue to let my imagination run free when I have a few free moments. These new images help to drive me forward with my writing. in sprints.

I have so many different thoughts going, I end up with multiple projects. At this time, I have my movie script for "Da Vinci Connections", my fourth in the series "Watcher in the Fall: Trans-Link", a follow-on to the "Da Vinci Connections", an effort to change my screen play "Universe's Edge" to a book format.

I look for break-out points, those where an idea comes into foccus and time to get it into one of my projects as I find an open window. When I get to travel to a new place, I try to get some new ideas. My next trip to OMG at Orlando, Florida where I will be staying by Universal Studios.

I am trying to decide on necking down to help my focus. At the moment, with getting feedback from a movie producer, I am spending my time on the provided feedback.

In my mind, when I reach 70 (3.5 years away), I will move my technical background to a much smaller percent of my time. I will sell my condo to remove the monthly costs, pack up my car and spend time driving around the U.S. With more free time, I plan to attend book conferences and do talks on anything people will find interesting.

I just have to figure out how to put my life into a traveling van.

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All books, short stories and variations of books (audio, ebook, paperback and screenplays derived from the books and short stories) along with photos and other digital graphic images and blog generations on this site are property of the Author, Ronald Townsen.  All rights are reserved except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be used or copied except with written permission of the Author.

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